Is Invisalign Better Than Braces?

Is Invisalign better than braces or is the traditional approach still better?

A Brace of Goals

Orthodontists have a range of different devices at hand to deal with a variety of orthodontic problems, ranging from misalignment to tooth malocclusion. Malocclusion is an inclusive term covering the following problems:


  • Overcrowding caused by the teeth growing too closely together
  • Overbite in which the upper jaw juts out further than the bottom jaw
  • Underbite in which the lower jaw extends further than the upper
  • Open bite where the teeth don’t meet when the mouth is shut
  • Cross bite where the upper teeth sit inside the lower teeth when the mouth is closed.

Invisible Magic

Invisalign has several advantages over traditional braces but are only effective in making relatively small adjustments to the position of the teeth. Because Invisalign uses transparent, removable aligners, they tend to be more comfortable. Is Invisalign better than braces? Well, in terms of aesthetics and comfort, yes. Invisalign aligners can be removed while eating, meaning you don’t have to give up hard or sticky foods while your teeth are realigning. They can also be removed, making the oral hygiene routine much simpler than with ordinary braces.

In addition to the features mentioned above, Invisalign has the following advantages over traditional braces:

  • The aligning trays can be removed for photographs
  • There are no dietary restrictions while using Invisalign
  • Invisalign is often more comfortable to wear as there are no brackets or metal arch wires
  • You will be able to speak and eat normally while wearing Invisalign
  • Professional finish and discreet appearance

Traditional Healing

Braces have been around for years and over those years have become increasingly sophisticated. Although still using the same basic premise of brackets that attach to the teeth and a wire that runs between the brackets, braces are extremely effective. While not as aesthetically pleasing as Invisalign, Newwave Orthodontics will recommend braces for complicated cases, where they are quicker and more effective. In instances where a person has a bad bite, be it an overbite or underbite, braces can fix the problem efficiently, giving the patient a new smile.

Metal or ceramic braces offer several benefits including:

  • Tough and resilient
  • Fixed so unlikely to get lost or damaged
  • More cost-effective

Clear Vision

While Invisalign may be the least obtrusive of the orthodontic devices available for tooth and jaw realignment, the introduction of ceramic or clear brackets in traditional braces has made them far more aesthetically pleasing. While metal braces are still the strongest and better for people who have an active lifestyle or engage in a lot of sport, ceramic or clear braces can go a long way in fixing a variety of dental problems without filling your mouth up with metal which is why we routinely use ceramic braces on your upper front teeth.

Other Options

When querying is Invisalign better than braces, it’s important to take different types of braces into consideration. Lingual braces, for example, attach to the back of the teeth, rather than the front, making them far less noticeable. On the downside, they can be extremely uncomfortable, especially at the beginning and significantly more expensive. Apart from appearance, the most important consideration with Invisalign is whether you are willing to wear aligners 22 hours per day – otherwise they cannot work properly.

At Newwave Orthodontics, we take into account each individual patient and their lifestyle as well as the condition of their teeth and bones. In taking every aspect of your life into consideration, Dr Peter Miles can recommend the best treatment for you and give you details about the process, how long it will take and what the pros and cons might be.